Ottawa, October 8th, 2020 – The CFGames will once again be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, announces the Fédération de la jeunesse canadienne-française (French-Canadian Youth Federation – “FJCF“) and the local Organizing Committee (OC) of the 8th edition of the Canadian Francophone Games (Victoria 2020 CFGames).

The current context and all the uncertainties that lie ahead, make it difficult to safely organize the CFGames in the summer of 2021, while maintaining the nature of the event appreciated by so many. In order to guarantee the quality of the event for all participants, visitors, collaborators and partners, the FJCF and the OC made the difficult decision to postpone the Games once again. If conditions are right, the CFGames in Victoria would be postponed to summer 2022.

Read the press release


Victoria, June 9th, 2020 – The boards of Victoria’s Francophone Society, la Société francophone de Victoria (SFV) and the Canadian Francophone Games, les Jeux de la francophonie canadienne Victoria 2020 (JeuxFC Victoria) met this week to discuss the future of both associations. COVID-19, the postponement of the Games to Summer 2021 and the upcoming departure of the current Executive Director of the Society generated serious discussions about how to best proceed. It was at this meeting that board members heard of a new transition plan that would give space for a more cohesive partnership between the Society and the Games.

This partnership would help strengthen Victoria’s francophone community, maintain the Society’s diverse programming all while ensuring the success of the Games next summer, a major project for Victoria’s French-speaking population.

Read the Press Release


Ottawa, April 16th, 2020 – The Fédération de la jeunesse canadienne-française (French-Canadian Youth Federation – FJCF) and the Local Organizing Committee (OC) of the Canadian Francophone Games (CFGames) agreed today on the new dates for 2021, for the 8th edition of the Games.

The Victoria CFGames will be held July 13th to 17th, 2021.

Representatives from both organizations met to discuss the new dates since the postponement. In light of a continued pandemic, and for the safety of the participants, they had no other choice but to postpone the event to next summer.

The postponement impacts of the CFGames are numerous. We would like to thank all the employees and volunteers who have contributed to the planning of the event so far.

We will work with our partners in the coming weeks and months to confirm all the logistical details that will be communicated, in due time.

Read the Press Release.



2008 cérémonie clôture spectacle drapeaux

The Fédération de la jeunesse canadienne-française is ready to accept proposals regarding Provincial and Territorial Teams’ Promotional Materials.

The goal of this request for proposals is to find a supplier that can produce the promotional material offered by the FJCF to the various delegations taking part in the Jeux de la francophonie canadienne 2020 in Victoria, from July 14 to 18 2020.

The deadline to submit a proposal is February 14th, 2020.

Pour lire l’appel d’offres complet.



2008 cérémonie clôture spectacle drapeaux

La Fédération de la jeunesse canadienne-française est heureuse de lancer l’appel d’offres pour le matériel promotionnel des équipes provinciales et territoriales.

Le but de cet appel d’offres est de trouver un fournisseur qui produira les articles promotionnels offerts par la FJCF pour les diverses délégations qui prendront part aux Jeux de la francophonie canadienne à Victoria, du 14 au 18 juillet 2020.

La date limite pour présenter une proposition est le 14 février 2020.

Pour lire l’appel d’offres complet.

Lancement officiel de la campagne de recrutement des bénévoles pour les Jeux de la francophonie canadienne

VICTORIA, 10 janvier 2020 – Le Comité d’organisation des Jeux de la francophonie canadienne (JeuxFC) célèbre, le 14 janvier, le décompte de six mois avant la tenue de la 8e édition des JeuxFC qui se déroulera du 14 au 18 juillet 2020 à Victoria. 

Afin de souligner ce moment important, les JeuxFC lancent officiellement leur campagne de recrutement de bénévoles ayant comme objectif l’inscription de 600 personnes, jeunes et adultes. 

« On invite les gens à participer à cette toute première expérience francophone à Victoria », affirme Marie-Pierre Lavoie, présidente du conseil d’administration du Comité d’organisation des Jeux de la francophonie canadienne de 2020 à Victoria. « Le bénévolat auprès des JeuxFC sera une aventure stimulante puisque les bénévoles vivront l’événement de l’intérieur. L’engagement des bénévoles est essentiel au succès de ce grand événement et est très important à nos yeux. Ainsi, nous sommes déjà reconnaissants envers toutes les personnes qui donneront leur nom et consacreront de leur temps pour nous aider à le réaliser. » 

Pour s’inscrire en ligne.

Pour lire la suite du communiqué.

Call for volunteers officially opens for the Canadian Francophone Games

VICTORIA, January 10, 2020 – On January 14, 2020, the Organizing Committee for the Canadian Francophone Games (CFGames) celebrates the six-month countdown before the 8th edition of the CFGames taking place July 14th to 18th, 2020 in Victoria. 

To mark the occasion, the CFGames launch their official call for volunteers with the objective of recruiting 600 volunteers of all ages. 

“We invite people to seize this unique opportunity of being involved in this French-speaking gathering in Victoria,” says Marie-Pierre Lavoie, board chair of the Victoria 2020 Canadian Francophone Games Organizing Committee. “Volunteering at the CFGames can become an exciting adventure because volunteers will experience the event from within. The commitment of volunteers is essential to the success of this great event and we highly value it. As such, we wish to thank everyone who will put their name forward and donate their time to help us put on the event.” 

To register online.

To read the Press Release.

The Province confirms its contribution to the Victoria 2020 Canadian Francophone Games

VICTORIA, JULY 18, 2019 – After receiving confirmation of the financial support from the Government of British-Columbia, the Victoria 2020 Canadian Francophone Games (CFGames) Organizing Committee officially launches the 1-year countdown before the CFGames. The Province will contribute 500,000$, which confirms solid foundations for the project’s implementation. The next edition of the CFGames will take place in Victoria from July 14 to 18, 2020.

“The Province is proud to support the 2020 Canadian Francophone Games with this grant and I am looking forward to seeing the talents showcased by its young participants next year. These games make a big difference in the lives of French-speaking British Columbians and Canadians by highlighting just how diverse our province and country are.”
Adrian Dix
Minister of Health and Minister Responsible for Francophone Affairs

Read the Press Release – English page 3-4.